20mph is Plenty! Cotswold District Council Calls for Improved Road Safety
Cotswold District Council is calling on the County Council to make 20mph the default speed limit for villages and towns across the Cotswolds in a bid to improve road safety in areas where vulnerable road users and vehicles mix.
Cllr Jenny Forde, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, says that this scheme is overwhelmingly supported by residents in the Cotswolds and has the full support of the Cotswold Community Safety Partnership.
Cllr Forde, said: “I can’t help thinking that our children will be in disbelief when they look back at our love of cars and driving fast whenever and wherever we like. Much like not wearing seat belts, drink driving and smoking in public places. Looking back at all of these things, it seems incredible now that we ever thought this was acceptable.
“The simple fact is that if you hit a pedestrian - they have a much greater chance of surviving if your speed is lower. The risk of a fatal injury when hitting a pedestrian at 40mph is 90 per cent and reduces to 2.5 per cent when driving at 20mph.
“Approximately two-thirds of all crashes in which people are killed or injured happen on roads with a speed limit of 30mph. This is a serious problem across the country and we want to ensure our District is as safe as it can be for all of our residents and visitors alike.
“That’s why we are calling on Gloucestershire County Council, as the Local Highways Authority, to consult the county’s District Councils, Parish Councils and communities to identify all the roads which should adopt a 20mph speed limit no later than 30 April 2025.
“We are also reaching out to our Town and Parish Council’s to encourage them to sign up to the Community Speedwatch scheme and to consider purchasing their own speed guns so they can take an active role in road safety and make their communities safer.”
The ‘20mph is Plenty’ motion was put forward to Cotswold District Council’s meeting on 22 September 2021 and received unanimous approval from councillors.
For more information about the Community Speedwatch scheme, please visit the Community Speedwatch website. You can also email community.Speedwatch@gloucestershire.pnn.police.uk.
Contact Information
Cotswold District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
The Cotswold Community Safety Partnership (CCSP) agrees the district's response to crime and anti-social behaviour. It sets priorities to ensure partners are working together to create a safe place to live, work and visit.
The CCSP meets every week and is led by the Chair, Cllr Jenny Forde and the Deputy Chair, Inspector Simon Ellson.
Statutory members of CCSP are:
- Cotswold District Council
- Gloucestershire Police
- Gloucestershire County Council
- Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue
- Office of the Gloucestershire Police & Crime Commissioner
- Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CLG)
- Drug and Alcohol Services
- Voluntary and Community Sector organisations
- Housing organisations
Other organisations can be co-opted onto the CCSP if the work they carry out has a positive outcome to communities.