Don’t lose your vote – residents in the Cotswolds urged to check voter registration details
Cotswold District residents are being urged to check their electoral registration details to avoid losing their right to vote on important decisions that affect them.
Wear Not Waste campaign encourages us to reuse and re-wear our old clothes
Clothes swaps, donating, selling and recycling are just some of the ways residents can deal with clothing that they no longer wear is the message of a new ‘Wear Not Waste’ campaign.
Local site manager wins regional award!
Chelsey Salt has won a Local Authority Building Control (LABC) Award for Site Manager of the Year.
The Cotswold Community Wellbeing Team is going on tour!
Our Community Builders, Sue and Kate, are touring around the district on their Community Wellbeing Roadshow – with the aim of supporting and connecting people in the Cotswolds.
Council awarded over £38,000 to combat fly-tipping!
Cotswold District Council has been successful in their government bid and has been awarded £38,341 from the ‘Fly-tipping Intervention Grant Scheme’ to be spent between April and October 2024.
Visit the Cotswold District Council website.
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Tickets are on sale for the brand-new Cirencester History Festival
Rev. Richard Coles' The Rabbit Hole Detectives and Sir Max Hastings to join the all-star lineup for the inaugural Cirencester History Festival.
Don’t lose your vote – residents in the Cotswolds urged to check voter registration details
Cotswold District residents are being urged to check their electoral registration details to avoid losing their right to vote on important decisions that affect them.
Wear Not Waste campaign encourages us to reuse and re-wear our old clothes
Clothes swaps, donating, selling and recycling are just some of the ways residents can deal with clothing that they no longer wear is the message of a new ‘Wear Not Waste’ campaign.