Are you ready for the general election? Voters encouraged to make sure they are prepared to make sure they can vote
Voters across Cotswold District are being encouraged to make sure they are prepared for the general election ahead of the deadlines so that they can vote on 4 July.
To take part in any election anyone over the age of 18 must be registered in the area they live in. Some people eligible to vote may not be registered and therefore will not be able to cast a vote. This may be because they have recently moved or are voting for the first time.
Residents can make an application to register to vote through the Government website which takes only five minutes to complete. They must register by Tuesday 18 June and can do so at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.
Some residents prefer to vote by post. By using a postal vote residents can make sure their voice is heard without the need to visit a polling station. Residents must apply to receive their vote by post, before the application deadline of 5pm on Wednesday 19 June.
Anyone applying to vote by post will need to provide their national insurance number as part of the application. If you have an existing postal vote arrangement, you will not need to apply again.
Electors may also choose to vote by proxy - where another individual casts a vote on a registered voter’s behalf when that individual cannot vote themselves. To be able to use a proxy vote, applications must be in by Wednesday 26 June by 5pm. Proxy voters will be required to show their own valid ID when voting on behalf of someone else.
Electors choosing to vote in person are being urged to make sure they are ready to vote in July by checking they have an accepted form of photographic ID.
Accepted forms of photographic ID include a UK, European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport; a UK, EEA or Commonwealth photocard drivers’ licence; and some concessionary travel passes, such as an older person’s bus pass. Voters will be able to use expired ID as long as the photograph is still a good likeness. Voters may be required to provide further proof of identity if there is any discrepancy between the name shown on the form of photographic ID and the name the voter claims at the polling station.
Anyone who does not have one of the accepted forms of ID will be able to apply for free ID online at voter-authority-certificate.service.gov.uk/ or by completing a paper form which is available from the Council.
More information is available on the Cotswold District Council website, including details of how to apply for the free ID. Anyone not able to visit the council website, or apply for a Voter Authority Certificate online, is being encouraged to contact the Council by calling 01285 623002 or emailing elections@cotswold.gov.uk. Residents must have applied for Voter Authority Certificate by 5pm Wednesday 26 June.
Robert Weaver, Local Returning Officer for Cotswold District Council, said:
“It is important that those who want to vote to make sure they are registered, have applied for postal votes if this is their preferred option, and have an accepted form of ID.
“Applying now means you will be ready to vote in July and won’t risk missing the national deadlines.
“Anyone voting at a polling station will need to show photo ID before they can be given their ballot paper as part of national law. It’s important that everyone understands what types of ID they can use, and how to apply for free ID if they need it.
“Residents who do not have one of the accepted forms of ID can apply for free ID either online or by completing a paper application form which is available at our offices or by calling us at 01285 623002. If you need any help with applying for the free ID or want to request an application form, please contact us at the number above.”