Changes to Cabinet Announced at Annual General Meeting of Full Council
Cotswold District Council Leader, Councillor Joe Harris, has announced his new Cabinet for the coming year.
Councillor Clive Webster vacates the Cabinet and Councillor Juliet Layton joins as Cabinet Member for Development Management and Licensing.
Cllr Joe Harris, said: “I’ve been very lucky to have a dynamic and supportive Cabinet over the last two years who’ve worked tirelessly to support residents throughout the pandemic. These changes will bolster an already strong and diverse Cabinet and I’m proud to have a team around me with gender parity.
“We’ve made good progress in rebuilding the Council’s finances so we’re able to invest in the District, as we emerge from the pandemic we must seize the new opportunities that the green industrial revolution will bring and look at securing a better deal for young people and families as they try and find housing in our area. This Cabinet will put us in the best possible position to deliver on our ambitions as a Council to support our residents and create an environment for businesses to thrive.
“I’d like to say a massive thank you to Cllr Clive Webster, for his hard work in what has been a very difficult time for planning and the foundation that he’s put in place will see improvements in the service in the next few months. Juliet Layton is well qualified to fill his shoes, she’s a great addition to our team.”
The full Cabinet, with portfolios, is:
Cllr Joe Harris: Leader of the Council
Cllr Mike Evemy: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Parking
Cllr Rachel Coxcoon: Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Forward Planning
Cllr Jenny Forde: Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing
Cllr Lisa Spivey: Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness
Cllr Andrew Doherty: Cabinet Member for the Environment, Waste and Recycling
Cllr Tony Dale: Cabinet Member for the Economy and Council Transformation
Cllr Juliet Layton: Cabinet Member for Development Management and Licensing
Full details of each portfolio are available on the council’s website.
Cllr Juliet Layton has been a District Councillor in the Cotswolds for 10 years. Cllr Layton was elected as Vice-Chair of the Planning and Licensing Committee in May 2017 and was elected Chair of the Planning and Licensing Committee in May 2019.
Contact Information
Cotswold District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
Image: Cabinet 2021-22
Pictured from left to right: Cllr Andrew Doherty, Cllr Juliet Layton, Cllr Jenny Forde, Cllr Joe Harris, Cllr Lisa Spivey, Cllr Rachel Coxcoon, Cllr Mike Evemy, Cllr Tony Dale.