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Cotswold District Council statement - Closure of Bourton-on-the-Water coach car park

The Council has been advised by Bourton Vale Parking Limited that the privately owned coach car park in Bourton-on-the-Water is due to close to coaches from December 2022 .

Robert Weaver, Chief Executive of Cotswold District Council, said; “The Council and local Ward Councillors have been informed that the private owner of the coach and car park on Station Road intends to close the site to coaches in December 2022. 

“While it is wholly the decision of a private business to change their operations, as the district Council we are keen to understand the potential impacts this decision might have on the local area, both in the short and longer term. 

“In order to understand the implications of this decision more clearly, the Council will be talking with local businesses, the Parish Council, County Council highways colleagues and other key partners over the coming months to look at options.

“We would advise any local businesses seeking further information to contact Bourton Vale Parking Limited as the car park operators.

The Coach and Car Park on Station Road in Bourton-on-the-Water has been operated privately since 1979 and is currently operated by Bourton Vale Parking Limited."

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Cotswold District Council Communications Team