Cotswold District Council to extend support for residents facing financial hardship
Cotswold District Council is extending support to working-age Council Tax payers in the District who are facing financial hardship as a result of Covid-19.
Earlier in the pandemic, Cotswold District Council set up a financial hardship support scheme to help residents financially impacted by the effects of the Covid-19 restrictions. Eligible residents could claim relief of up to £150 on their Council Tax.
At a meeting on Monday 1 March, the Council’s Cabinet agreed to extend the scheme and provide additional financial support to those residents as restrictions continue.
All those eligible who previously applied and were successful will be contacted and given additional support of up to £150 to take the total amount across the pandemic up to £300 for people with bills bigger than this.
The Council will also provide this support to new working-age claimants that qualify for Local Council Tax Support.
Residents can apply for the support scheme by completing a form on our website: cotswold.gov.uk/council-tax-and-benefits/council-tax-support/
Cllr Mike Evemy, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, said: “The pandemic has had a massive impact on some people's incomes and it’s vital that we ensure those on low incomes receive as much support as is available at this difficult time.
“We are working in partnership with the Stroud and Cotswold Citizens Advice Bureau and would encourage anyone who is struggling with debt or to make their mortgage or rent payments to contact them for advice and support.
“We recognise that this is a challenging economic climate and we hope this will help the finances of those most in need.”
The Citizens Advice Bureau will carry out a review of income and expenditure and will refer clients to the Council to access Council Tax Support.
For more information, please visit our website: cotswold.gov.uk/council-tax-and-benefits/
Contact Information
Cotswold District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
- View the full Cabinet report, here: Council Tax - Covid 19 Hardship Fund 2020/21.
- Watch the full Cabinet meeting, here: Cotswold DC Cabinet meeting (Monday 1 March 2021).
Stroud & Cotswold Citizens Advice Bureau provide free, confidential and impartial advice to anyone who needs it, to help them resolve the problems they face.
For help and advice, call 0808 800 0510 or visit www.citizensadvice-stroudandcotswold.org.uk