Green Economic Growth Strategy refresh

Council Invites Residents to Shape a Greener Economic Future

Cotswold District Council is calling on residents to share their thoughts on the refreshed Green Economic Growth (GEG) strategy, designed to drive sustainable economic development and ensure the district remains an attractive place to live and work. 

This updated strategy, which builds on the success of the original 2020 plan, reflects significant changes over recent years, including the impacts of the pandemic and Brexit. It aims to strengthen the local economy with a focus on environmental responsibility, ensuring it is fit for the challenges and opportunities of a greener future. 

A key feature of the strategy refresh is the emphasis on collaboration, recognising that collaboration with residents, businesses, and other local stakeholders is essential. The Council is actively seeking input to align the strategy with the community's priorities and aspirations. 

Cllr Tristan Wilkinson, cabinet member for economy and environment, said, “Our Green Economic Growth Strategy is not just about safeguarding our beautiful environment – it’s about unlocking its potential to boost our local economy, create jobs, and build a sustainable future for all. 

“We need residents and businesses’ feedback to ensure this strategy reflects the needs and goals of our community. I encourage everyone to take a look at the refreshed plan and let us know your thoughts. Together, we can create a shared vision for a thriving, green district.” 

Key components of the refreshed strategy include: 

  • Growing key sectors – including cyber/digital, net zero high growth and agricultural sustainability. 
  • Promoting apprenticeships and T-Levels – to provide more and better career opportunities for young people. 
  • Improving transport around the district – to help people to get to their workplaces conveniently and sustainably. 
  • Encouraging innovation – including by promoting funding sources like Innovate UK. 

The strategy is informed by extensive consultations with local businesses and aims to complement Gloucestershire’s Economic Strategy, adopted by the County Council earlier this year. 

The Council is committed to ensuring that the voices of residents and businesses shape this vision. The consultation is open now, and feedback will help refine the strategy before it returns to Cabinet for consideration early in the New Year. 

To find out more about the refreshed strategy and to contribute to shaping the district’s green economic future, please visit here. The consultation is open until 5pm Friday 24 January. 

This is your chance to influence the decisions that will shape the Cotswold District’s journey towards a more sustainable and prosperous future. Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard. 

Contact Information

Cotswold District Council Communications Team

Notes to editors

Notes to editors: 

The decision to approve the refreshed version of the Council’s Green Economic Growth Strategy for consultation was made at the Cabinet meeting on 3 October. 

Link to Cabinet papers:  

For more information about the Green Economic Growth Strategy: