Council seeks specialist to take on climate emergency role
We've approved the appointment of a climate change manager as the first major step in our commitment to tackle climate change
Cotswold District Council has approved the appointment of a climate change manager as the first major step in its commitment to tackle climate change.
Councillors also voted to invest in studies from specialist consultants on the council’s current emissions levels and also to support a district-wide renewable energy study to guide future actions, and to underpin a series of community consultations on how we can generate as much of our own energy locally as possible.
Cabinet Member for Climate Change Cllr Rachel Coxcoon (LD, Moreton East) said: “Our decision to declare a climate emergency shows that we’re serious about doing our bit to tackle climate change and I was thrilled that it secured unanimous cross party support.”
“Within that declaration we included a commitment to employ a senior member of staff who will spearhead our work to become a zero carbon district. The successful applicant will have a huge role in driving the climate emergency agenda within our council and also by working with residents, businesses and other groups across our district. We intend for this work to create a range of co-benefits in the long term - cleaner air, better buildings and reduced fuel poverty to name a few.
“Our plans will involve significant investment and over time we expect the new role and various studies to lead to cost savings and even provide the potential for income generation through renewable energy schemes.”