Council ‘swots’ fly-tipper with £400 fine
Last week, Cotswold District Council issued a £400 fixed penalty notice to an individual following an investigation of a fly-tip found near Northleach. The fly-tip contained household waste items following a clear out of their home.
The Council is working hard to reduce and prevent waste from being dumped illegally; with the ultimate goal to stop fly-tipping in the Cotswolds.
Cllr Andrew Doherty, Cabinet Member for Recycling, Waste and Environment, said: “Fly-tipping is a national problem and has a significant impact on communities and our environment. As a Council, it is an issue that we take very seriously, and we will tackle offenders wherever, and whenever, we can.
“Any incident of fly-tipping is a criminal offence, and this Council will use its powers of enforcement in all cases where we are able to, either through the issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice or through a prosecution.
“Education is also important and we will continue our work to make sure that residents and businesses understand their responsibilities and how to properly dispose of their waste.
“If you have evidence of a fly-tip or concerns about the illegal dumping of waste in your community, please report on our website: www.cotswold.gov.uk/flytipping.
Everyone has a legal 'duty of care' to ensure your household or business waste is disposed of correctly. If fly-tipping is traced back to you, you could face a £400 fixed penalty notice.
Fly-tipping is the illegal deposit of waste onto land. This causes a significant blight on the local environment and is often a source of pollution, which can endanger public health and wildlife.
The Facts
- Fly-tipping is ILLEGAL.
- There is no excuse for fly-tipping.
- We ALL pay for fly-tipping as it costs the District Council to clear waste dumped on council-owned land.
- Dumped waste not only looks unpleasant, but it can also seriously damage land, pollute water and endanger wildlife.
- Fly tipped waste can also affect the reputation of our villages, and towns and can be hazardous to human health.
- Offenders can be fined up to £50,000 or 12 months imprisonment if convicted in a Magistrates’ Court. This can be increased to an unlimited fine and up to 5 years imprisonment if convicted in a Crown Court.
You can report fly-tipping to the Council, by completing an online form on our website.
For more information about how you can prevent fly-tipping and what to do with your household waste, visit our website: https://www.cotswold.gov.uk/flytipping.