‘Crowdfund Cotswold’ launches next week
Cotswold District Council is launching its new online crowdfunding platform next week to give residents the chance to seek financial support for their ideas to improve local places.
The new platform ‘Crowdfund Cotswold’ launches on 22 February. In partnership with the UK’s leading civic crowdfunding platform Spacehive, the Council is holding a virtual launch event for anyone with ideas about how to improve their communities.
Sign up and register your interest for the launch event.
Spacehive will also lead a series of online events in March for anyone who is interested in learning a little bit more or might want to discuss ideas that they have.
Cllr Jenny Forde, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “We can’t wait to see what ideas and initiatives our residents will put forward to ‘Crowdfund Cotswold’. Local people are best placed to understand the challenges and opportunities in their local area and this will put their ideas in the driving seat.
“We would also love to hear from any businesses or organisations who care about the Cotswolds to join us in offering support to project ideas so we can turbocharge the success of locally-led campaigns together. The more people that get involved in ‘Crowdfund Cotswold’, the better.”
How does ‘Crowdfund Cotswold’ work?
The aim of ‘Crowdfund Cotswold’ is simple – to fund and deliver on ideas to improve the District put forward by the local community, for the local community.
The deadline to put forward your idea is 21 April 2021. You can get started by simply visiting Spacehive’s website and creating your own project page.
People and organisations can pledge as little as £2 towards a project and contributions are only charged if the campaign hits its target.
Contact Information
Cotswold District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
- To find out more about ‘Crowdfund Cotswold’ - sign up to the launch event here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0uf--hrDMuGt1iyavZygDP-U0OE94c_-LR
- Cotswold District Council is calling for local people and groups with project ideas to post them on Spacehive and pitch to their fund (which they will be matched with automatically after posting their idea).
- Cotswold District Council will pledge up to £10,000 to the best ideas shortly afterwards. The Council will hold two funding rounds per year in Spring and Autumn.
- Spacehive is a specialist funding platform for ideas that bring local civic and community spaces to life. Its vision is a world where anyone can shape their local area to create places that make people happy, proud and prosperous.
- The platform operates a hybrid crowdfunding and grant-making platform that pools funds between councils, businesses, foundations and the local community to pay for projects that improve local places. Projects can range from building a new community centre or improving the local park to improving a playground or putting on a street festival.
- Spacehive is increasingly used by local authorities, companies and foundations, as the default way of financing civic and community facilities, since the model gives large numbers of people the opportunity to shape their area and typically results in projects securing 4x more funding than if they were relying on councils funds alone.
- ‘Crowdfund Cotswold’ builds on the support Cotswold District Council has provided over many years to local community facilities and projects, introducing more flexibility to support a wider range of projects that address local needs and aspirations.
- To post a project idea visit: www.spacehive.com
- Companies, foundations and public bodies interested in supporting projects alongside Cotswold District Council should contact info@spacehive.com