‘Green to the Core’ Local Plan consultation begins

Residents are invited to give their views on updates to Cotswold District Council’s adopted Local Plan (2011 – 2031) to make it ‘Green to the Core’. The consultation builds on the public feedback received in 2022 at the previous ‘Issues and Options’ stage of plan-making. The consultation also responds to changes in national guidance and new evidence-based studies that inform the Local Plan Update. 

At the same time, the Council is also considering development needs up to 2041, and options for how these may be delivered.  We are also ‘calling for sites’ to identify what land is available to deliver future needs, such as housing, employment, commercial development, services, infrastructure, public open spaces and nature and biodiversity.  

Councillor Juliet Layton, Cabinet Member for Planning and Regulatory Services said, “This consultation has three important elements, including proposed locations for future growth. We need to deliver 7,400 new homes over the next 15 years. This sounds like a lot, but we have already granted permission for a good number of these homes, however, we estimate that land needs to be identified for a further 3,300 homes.  

“As the planning authority we are legally bound to plan development and the infrastructure to support it. If we don’t take control the development industry will do it for us, and this means far less say in the type and location of development and infrastructure. Taking part in this and future consultations means that residents get a say in where that development goes and what it should contain.  

“The proposal at this early stage is to focus on strategic growth at Cirencester and Moreton-in-Marsh. Smaller-scale development may also be proposed in other larger villages. I must stress, however, that we are at the very beginning of the process, and nothing has yet been decided.  

“I urge all residents to take part in this important consultation and help to shape the future.” 

Key policy updates include: 

  • A requirement to deliver net zero homes that are affordable to run 
  • Increasing the supply of affordable housing 
  • A requirement to install defibrillators on new developments 
  • Strengthening the requirement to deliver infrastructure in a timely manner 
  • Increasing protection to help retain existing rural employment sites 
  • Placing greater emphasis on developers to enhance cycleways and footpaths, and ensuring new homes have good access to local services and facilities 
  • Requiring developers to deliver nature recovery and net improvements to local biodiversity 
  • Supporting the creation of a new country-style park at the Sherborne Park Estate. 

The consultation will run alongside the Cirencester Town Centre Framework Masterplan consultation, which is a Supplementary Planning Document that builds upon and provides more detailed advice and guidance on policies in the Local Plan.  

Residents can speak to staff at two public events covering the Local Plan and Cirencester Town Centre Framework Masterplan consultations. The event details as follows: 

  • Wednesday, 21 February from10am until 8pm at the Corinium Museum, Park Street, Cirencester, GL7 2BX 
  • Wednesday 6 March from10am until 8pm at Redesdale Hall, High Street, Moreton-in-Marsh, GL56 0AX    

Views on the Local Plan can be given on the Council’s digital engagement site your.cotswold.gov.uk from 1 February to 7 April 2024. 

Contact Information

Cotswold District Council Communications Team
