Budget Consultation 2022/23

Have your say on Cotswold District Council's budget as Council looks to ‘weather the storm’ of local government budget cuts

Residents and businesses in the Cotswolds are being urged to give their views on the District Council’s spending plans as it prepares its budget for the next financial year.

The Council is keen to gather residents' views on key areas including car parking, council tax and the Council’s plan to invest in the District. A short survey has been developed which can be found on the Council’s website. The survey closes on Friday 19 November. 

Over the coming weeks, Cotswold District Council will also hold a series of engagement events to allow residents and businesses to speak directly with the Council and ask any questions they may have.

Cllr Mike Evemy, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, said: “We continue to face major financial pressures due to wage inflation and ongoing cuts to the money we receive from the Government. Over the past decade, our core Government funding has reduced by around 60 per cent. We expect Government funding to reduce even further over the coming years, so we must plan to ‘weather the storm’. This will ensure the Council can afford to deliver the services residents expect whilst investing in improving the District.

“As part of our priority to deliver high-quality services, we are working to make our services more efficient as well as improving them. Last year we saved or raised over £600,000 and this year we’re looking to save or raise a further £400,000.

“Our proposed budget for 2022/23 aims to support the District's recovery from the impact of Covid-19, deliver actions on climate change, protect our most vulnerable residents and continue our work to provide homes for the people who need them at rents they can afford. 

“It’s important to us that we are constantly engaging with and listening to our communities, so they can let us know what their priorities are and what matters to them most. 

“I would urge everyone to take part in the survey or join us at one of our forthcoming engagement events. All responses to the consultation will be considered by the Council as part of the budget setting process for the 2022/23 financial year.”

Residents and businesses will have the opportunity to speak to Cabinet members and senior Council officers about the proposed budget at a series of events during the consultation period. 

The Council is hosting a virtual drop-in session on Tuesday 19 October from 5 pm - 7 pm. You can join the drop-in session here: meet.google.com/pcj-nsen-ydu

A special episode of CDC LIVE will feature a live budget Q&A on Thursday 28 October on the Council’s Facebook and YouTube channels. You can join the Q&A from 2 pm to 3 pm - ask your questions live or send them in advance to communications@cotswold.gov.uk.

Members of the Council’s Cabinet and Senior Officers will be visiting town and village centres across the District from Monday 1 November to speak face to face with residents and discuss the Council’s financial position and the forward plans with them. Residents can find out more about upcoming engagement events at www.cotswold.gov.uk/budget or by following the Council on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

The Budget Consultation is now live and will be available on the Cotswold District Council website at www.cotswold.gov.uk/budget until Friday 19 November.

More information about the Council’s priorities and Council Tax are available on the Cotswold District Council website.

Contact Information

Cotswold District Council Communications Team


Notes to editors

Cotswold District Council receives only 7 pence in every £1 of Council Tax paid by its residents to provide the services it is responsible for, including waste collection and recycling, street cleaning, parks and open spaces, planning and building control, promoting economic growth and regeneration, leisure services, environmental health and licensing services, housing and council tax support, election administration and support for the homeless.


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