Have your say - Budget Consultation 2021/22

Have your say on Cotswold District Council services

Residents and businesses in the Cotswolds are being urged to give their views on the District Council’s spending plans as it prepares its budget for the next financial year.

The aim is to gather as much feedback as possible on key areas such as housing, climate change and changes to the district’s local plan. The budget consultation is being held over five weeks from Wednesday 4 November to midnight on Tuesday 8th December.

The budget is being prepared against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, which has had a significant impact on the District as a whole, as well as the Council’s finances.

The Council’s Cabinet is keen to ensure that key services are maintained and, where possible enhanced while ensuring that the Council’s finances are sustainable and resilient. 

Plans include developing better and greener ways to travel around the District, reviewing open spaces on new developments and providing help for individuals with complex needs who are facing homelessness. 

The Council’s survey will also gather views on the Council’s plan to raise additional income from a new ‘Recovery Investment Strategy’ and a proposed Council Tax rise of £5 a year for a Band D household. 

Cllr Mike Evemy, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, said: “It remains a difficult financial situation for district councils due to the ongoing pandemic. At the beginning of 2020, no one could have foreseen the impact that Covid-19 would have on our businesses and communities - our very way of life. 

“A key focus in the coming months will be to provide all the support we can to businesses and households in the district, to recover from these impacts and flourish once more. 

“While our proposed budget for 2021/22 is naturally set against a backdrop of Covid-19’s financial impact, it maintains the Council’s commitment to real action on climate change, protection for our most vulnerable, and delivering homes for people who need them at rents they can afford. 

“I would encourage as many people as possible to take part in the consultation. Your views and your feedback will be key to ensuring we are delivering what our communities want and need at this most challenging of times. ”

For more information on the budget consultation, and to fill out the survey, go to www.cotswold.gov.uk/budget 

Contact Information

Cotswold District Council Communications Team
