Down Ampney Neighbourhood Development Plan

Have Your Say on Down Ampney's Future

Down Ampney Parish Council has submitted a Neighbourhood Development Plan to Cotswold District Council that will shape future development in the village.

The plan sets out a vision for the future of the village and proposes planning policies to be used alongside the Cotswold District Council Local Plan to determine planning applications in the area. 

Cllr Juliet Layton, Cabinet Member for Planning and Regulatory Services, said: “I would like to commend the hard work from all the volunteers who have developed this plan over recent years. They have also made commendable efforts to consult with residents and interested parties.

“We now invite people and organisations interested in the Down Ampney area to make representations on the draft Neighbourhood Plan.”

The Down Ampney Neighbourhood Plan proposes 9 policies to shape new development in the village, including the designation of a Local Green Space, the promotion of a new Design Guide and policies seeking to address community concerns around key vistas, flooding and sewage, community facilities, climate change and green infrastructure.

Interested parties are now asked to submit their views on the Down Ampney Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation. Anyone wishing to comment must do so by 12 noon on Friday 6th October 2023.

To make your comments, please complete the form on our website and email it to  

Alternatively, you can print the form and post it to: Neighbourhood Planning, Cotswold District Council, Trinity Road, Cirencester GL7 1PX. 

We will accept other comments in writing (including electronic, such as email, provided that a name and address are supplied. We cannot accept anonymous comments.

Following the public consultation, the plan will be examined independently to ensure that it meets the conditions in the Localism Act and other relevant regulations. Public comments will also be taken into account by the independent examiner in determining whether the Plan meets the legal requirements.

Should you require a hard copy, you may contact the Council. The Neighbourhood Development Plan will cost £5, while the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting evidence will be available for £15.

For more general information about Neighbourhood Planning please see:

Contact Information

Cotswold District Council Communications Team

Notes to editors

Cotswold District Council supports all Town and Parish Council’s across the District to deliver on neighbourhood development. Recent neighbourhood plans to be adopted that align with the Council’s priorities to plan for a district that is green to the core, include; ‘Fairford’, ‘South Cerney,’ ‘Kemble and Ewen’, ‘Somerford Keynes’ and ‘Shorncote and Preston’.