
It all starts with a home: Cotswold District Council working hard to prevent homelessness

Cotswold District Council has set out its plans for continuing to prevent homelessness over the coming year following on from huge amounts of support provided over the past two years of the pandemic.

Lisa Spivey, Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness, said: “The pandemic brought homelessness into focus and I am really pleased with the support we are able to provide to those who need it in the Cotswolds.

“The ‘Everyone In’ initiative has been a really successful strategy to get all rough sleepers off the streets and into accommodation. I’m proud to say that our Housing Team worked incredibly hard at a time of great worry and unpredictability. The rapid, creative and innovative response to homelessness during those first months of the pandemic, showed true determination, strength and resilience.”

During the period of April to December 2021, 64 households facing homelessness were assisted to stay in their homes as a result of early intervention and support from Cotswold District Council.

Caroline Clissold, Cotswold District Council’s Housing Manager, explained: “As a Council we want to make sure we are working proactively so we can stop a crisis before it happens and this is best achieved by early intervention. 

“By working with people on a case by case basis we can identify the barriers specific to that individual and help them to obtain and maintain permanent accommodation.”  

Cotswold District Council has set out its plans to continue to tackle homelessness over the coming year including the target to end rough sleeping in the district, reduce the numbers of families in temporary accommodation and reduce the numbers of families currently in temporary or B&B accommodation to help them move into permanent accommodation. 

To achieve this the Council will be continuing with the approach designed during the pandemic which has seen success, including specialist officers who support people in temporary accommodation and funding available to help people get set up in permanent accommodation.

Cllr Spivey continued: “As a Council, we will continue to build on the creative work we have carried out during the pandemic. 

“At the time of writing, we currently have just one rough sleeper in our District who we are working closely with to find a bespoke solution for. Although any number is one too many, I’m proud to report that we have created a resilient, proactive approach to homelessness prevention and as a Council, we are making meaningful change.

“The new roles within the team will allow us to focus on key areas of homelessness prevention, enabling us to focus specifically on supporting those with complex needs such as victims of domestic abuse or individuals with mental health issues. 

“Whether assisting with fuel poverty, finding permanent accommodation for rough sleepers or funding specialist assistance for those needing assistance, we are working to reduce homelessness across the district.” 

For anyone threatened by homelessness or worried about becoming homeless Cotswold District Council can help. 

For more information, or to ask for help with homelessness, people can visit www.cotswold.gov.uk/housing/homelessness-support-and-advice/ or by calling us on 01285 623000

Contact Information

Cotswold District Council Communications Team


Notes to editors

The Council Cabinet discussion of the Homelessness Prevention Grant and the papers for the meeting can be found at:  https://cotswold.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/634273