Join the Cotswold Domestic Abuse Champions' Network
Cotswold District Council is offering free domestic abuse training to professionals in client facing roles. The trained professionals will then join our growing network of Domestic Abuse Champions across the District providing joined-up support for victims.
The training is open to any professionals in people-facing roles. From teachers and carers to hairdressers or first responders. People that sign up will receive training from the Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) on how to spot the signs of abuse and help to support and guide people disclosing domestic abuse.
Cllr Jenny Forde, Cabinet Member for health and wellbeing, said: “I’ve been saying for some time that we have to stop thinking that this doesn’t happen here. We know it does and we can’t let this ‘silent pandemic’ continue. That’s why we have continued throughout the last year, to successfully deliver domestic abuse champion training to a range of local groups and organisations across the district. Our goal is to build a wider network of champions that helps us reach victims and provide them with the support they need.
“We encourage all professionals and local businesses in the Cotswolds to sign up for our next round of training dates. There is no limit on how many from an organisation can be a champion. A network of champions across the district will strengthen our ability to proactively spot the signs of domestic abuse in all its many forms and help communities to understand exactly how to support family, friends or community members.”
The next round of training sessions start in August (more dates to follow) and each champion will have to complete a five-hour training module over two days.
Block one:
- Tuesday 3 August: 10:00 – 12:30
- Thursday 19 August: 18:00 – 20:30
Block two:
- Monday 9 August: 10:00 – 12:30
- Tuesday 31 August: 18:00 – 20:30
Sign up for domestic abuse champion training. The deadline to sign up for the training is 5 pm Monday 2 August.
Champion training covers the local picture in the Cotswolds and Gloucestershire regarding support agencies and programmes; why victims stay and how to support them; the different types of perpetrator; the different types of abuse; the child’s experience; how to assess the level of risk with the DASH (Domestic Abuse Stalking Harassment) risk assessment and much more.
If you have any questions about the network, please contact jeff.neathway@cotswold.gov.uk
Contact Information
Cotswold District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
Please feel free to share the attached video on your websites or social media channels. You can download the video, here: https://we.tl/t-kBGx8G9aTt
How to get help and support yourself:
Anyone in immediate danger should phone 999. If in danger and unable to talk on the phone, dial 999 from your mobile and then press 55. This will transfer the call to the police, who will assist without the caller having to speak.
Local domestic abuse support organisations:
Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service (GDASS) |
01452 726 570 |
Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Support |
01452 526 779 |
Stroud Women's Refuge |
01453 764 385 |
National Domestic Abuse Helpline |
0808 2000 247 |
Glos Counselling Service |
01453 766310 |
Women's Aid |
Crimestoppers |
0800 555 111 |
Hope House |
0300 421 8400 |
Positive Relationships Gloucestershire |
01452 529866 |
Teens in Crisis |
01594 372 777 |
Safe Teenage Relationship Education & Empowerment Team (STREET) |
01452 726 584 |
Glos Police |
101 or 999 |
Press 55 if you can't talk |