Everyone Active Cirencester

New annual fund will provide sporting activities for vulnerable young people

Phoenix Trust is pledging £1,000 per year to finance activities for young people receiving support from CHYP

The Cirencester-based Phoenix Trust has announced that it will pledge £1,000 per year to finance sporting activities for young people who receive support from the Cirencester Housing for Young People (CHYP) charity.

Thanks to the funding, young people who live in supported accommodation will be able to enjoy sessions of badminton, squash, table tennis, basketball and five-a-side football in the sports hall at the Cirencester Leisure Centre. Everyone Active manages the leisure centre and has offered discounted rates for these activities.

Commenting on the funding, the Phoenix Trust Chair of Trustees, Peter Jay, said: “We are delighted to be able to collaborate with both CHYP and Everyone Active at Cirencester Leisure Centre, in helping young people with emotional and financial difficulties.”

Andrea North, General Manager of the Everyone Active Cirencester Leisure Centre, added: “We are delighted to work with the Phoenix Trust and help support CHYP. Thanks to the Phoenix Trust we will be able to offer a range of fun sporting activities to these well deserving young people. This provides them with a chance to improve their wellbeing, get themselves a little fitter, make some new friends and - hopefully – acquire the confidence to improve their quality of life as they develop into mature adulthood.”

Luanne Bond of CHYP was very grateful for the support from both organisations: "This is great news for the people we support. Most of them have been made homeless because of family break-ups, experiences of abuse or through leaving care. Many also have problems such as mental health issues or learning difficulties. CHYP provides them with the practical and emotional support they require and having these sporting activities will be of immense value in helping them learn to make their own way in the world.”

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Cotswold District Council Communications Team


Notes to editors

About CHYP

Cirencester Housing for Young People (CHYP) was established in 1986 to help an increasing number of young people sleeping rough in Cirencester who had nowhere to go. Since then, CHYP has helped over 600 homeless young people, aged 16 to 25, by providing supported accommodation. They come from all different backgrounds but they all have one thing in common – nowhere to live.

For more details or to make a donation see http://www.chypthecharity.org.uk/

About the Phoenix Trust

The Phoenix Charitable Trust was set up in 1992 by its founder member Dr David Beales (GP at the Phoenix Surgery in Cirencester) to offer funding for services not generally available on the NHS. Nowadays, we are regularly asked to provide funding to aid both physical and mental health, because more and more people in our town are affected by ill health brought on by poverty and poor lifestyle.
We are firm believers in the holistic approach to health and wellbeing and the Trust is fortunate to be able to offer the services of both an osteopath and an acupuncturist, both of whom run sessions at the Phoenix in Cirencester and South Cerney.

As well as individual referrals the Trust provides funding for other local charitable organisations.

If you would like more information or to make a donation to the Phoenix Charitable Trust, please visit our website http://phoenixcharitabletrust.org.uk.

About Everyone Active

Everyone Active is the UK’s leading operator of local leisure, gym, swim and activities facilities. The company manages leisure centres owned by Cotswold District Council in Cirencester, Bourton-on-the-Water, and Chipping Campden.

For more details see https://www.everyoneactive.com/