Cotswold Photo Comp

Residents invited to share their best snaps of the Cotswolds to showcase the district

Residents of Cotswold District Council are being invited to take part in a photo competition to help the council refresh the photographs within the public areas of the council buildings, website and other areas to show the district in its best light. 

The competition will run from Thursday 7 September to Thursday 19 October and the council are looking for photos of the people and communities of the Cotswolds which make up the district, as well as photographs of the district’s countryside, towns and villages.

Cabinet Member for Health, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Paul Hodgkinson said “This is a creative competition which anyone can get involved in. It's going to be a great opportunity to showcase the Cotswolds, as well as celebrate the communities and images which make the district what it is.

“We want anyone of any age or ability to enter this competition, whether you’re an experienced photographer, just starting out in photography or take the odd snap on your phone.

“As a keen photographer myself I always appreciate the amazing pictures which people share on social media. We are asking residents to send their own images because they know our district best and we are sure will take photos that really capture the spirit of our unique area.

“The photos will replace the imagery we currently have and help bring some life back into the council buildings and website, showing off our area to all those who visit. Please be as creative as you like!”

The competition is open to all ages and abilities and the council are asking that residents be as creative as they like.

The photographs chosen by the judging panel will be printed and displayed in the council buildings, and include a credit to the winners. Those with the best photos will be entered into a prize draw with the best image winning a 60 x 40cm canvas of their winning image and a Cotswold Edition Monopoly Board and two runners up will win a Cotswold Edition Monopoly Board each.

For a chance to win entrants will need to head here to fill out the survey and upload their best snaps.

For more information and Terms and Conditions head here.

Contact Information

Cotswold District Council Communications Team