Staying at home more? Energy efficiency is more important now than ever before, say Cotswold’s fuel poverty service, Warm and Well.
Cotswold residents spending more than usual on their energy bills during lockdown are able to access support and grant funding free of charge through a local support scheme.
With the majority of us now spending a lot more time at home, we are likely to see an increase in our energy bills, and for many people, this coincides with a reduction in income.
Fuel poverty is not a term many of us are familiar with, but 9.5% of households in Cotswold District are already struggling to keep warm and pay their energy bills, a figure which is likely to increase due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Cotswold District Council, alongside the local authorities across Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire, funds the Warm and Well project, which is delivered by local charity Severn Wye Energy Agency and looks to support people to keep their energy bills down, keeping their homes warm and helping people to stay healthy in their homes.
Last year, Warm and Well provided free energy advice and support to more than200 Cotswold households. 96 of these have benefitted by receiving grants towards energy efficiency measures, including insulation, boilers and first-time central heating. Having new heating or insulation is not the only way Cotswold residents can save on their energy bills though. Simple changes such as switching energy supplier, watching what appliances you leave on or swapping to LED lightbulbs can all have a huge impact on your quality of life.
Mrs B (not her real name) had gas central heating installed last April and has now had a full year to notice the difference. “My heating bills have reduced significantly and the level of comfort as a result of having the heating installed has increased tenfold, without having to worry about what my energy costs are going to be each month,” she said. As a long term asthma sufferer, she was surprised on how much of a difference the heating has made to her health: “I wasn’t sure that having the central heating would help with my condition, so it has been a nice surprise to feel how much it has helped.”
This winter, many of us will be recovering from COVID-19. Cold, inefficient homes can agitate respiratory illnesses, so it is more important than ever to make sure homes are warm enough to support recovery from this virus and help residents stay healthy throughout the winter. By improving homes during the warmer months, households can make sure their property is safe when it gets cold.
Cllr Jenny Forde, cabinet member for health and well-being said, “If you or anyone you know would benefit from help staying on top of their home energy at this time, Warm and Well have trained energy advisors and advocates available to help.
“Call the Warm and Well advice line free on 0800 500 3076. Visit warmandwell.co.uk or search for ‘energy efficiency’ at cotswold.gov.uk more information.”
Contact Information
Cotswold District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
Further information:
Jess Callaghan, Project Manager (Severn Wye)
07891 287082 jessc@severnwye.org.uk
James Clarke, Director of Marketing (Severn Wye)
07967 824750 jamesc@severnwye.org.uk
For more details about Warm and Well, visit http://www.warmandwell.co.uk