UK Shared Prosperity Fund to be used in the Cotswolds to help boost the local area
Cotswold District Council have agreed a number of projects to receive funding from the first year's allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The Fund provides the Council with £1m over three years with £109,000 to be spent in the first year.
Councillor Tony Dale, Cabinet Member for Economy and Council Transformation, said; “We have worked hard over recent months to work out where best to distribute this funding to support local communities, business and people.
“We have consulted with local strategic partners, groups and businesses to identify how we should use the money and what we should focus on in the second and third years.
“With only a small pot available this year, and the need to complete spending within the year, we have focussed on projects for the first 12 months that are already well-developed and can be delivered rapidly.
“The projects initially to receive support will be the renovation of the Old Station in Cirencester, local projects across the District through Crowdfund Cotswold, and improvements to green space and public realm under the Council’s ‘Clean and Green’ initiative.
“Year one projects will be confirmed once an evaluation panel, made up of the Council and local partners, has carried out an assessment of all projects submitted.”
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Cotswold District Council Communications Team
Notes to editors
The Cabinet papers for the decision can be found here: https://meetings.cotswold.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=1136&MId=1948&Ver=4
More information on the Shared Prosperity Fund can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus